Thursday, December 22, 2016

This is my story

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is one of the bravest things we’ll ever do.” Instead of running from my story, as I’ve done for so long, I’ve decided to own it. So here goes, I’m going to share it with you.

I've always weighed a lot, at least compared to my sisters. Growing up my lovely family assured me that I was just muscular and "big boned" which was partially true, I always had a physical job that had me doing lots of lifting etc., but over the past two years, things got out of control. Bad choices resulted in a downward spiral and I ended up becoming someone who I didn’t even recognize anymore.

I woke up one morning this past April, I remember it like it was yesterday, and I decided that I was going to change my life. Enough was enough and from that day on, things really did begin to change. I said goodbye to all my excuses and hello to a newfound strength that I never knew I had. Since that day I have lost 30 lbs and dropped down three pant sizes! I feel absolutely amazing and it has completely changed me. I go to work energized now whereas before, I would show up groggy, exhausted, not wanting to move and honestly just not enjoying life. Don't get me wrong, my job is still extremely tough and there are days when I want to rip my hair out. However, the fact that I'm taking care of myself results in me having way more energy, self-confidence and a better, more energized, healthier version of myself to give to others!

I believe our bodies are gifts from God; He created us to be beautiful and unique! We are so blessed to have the ability to move and to really take care of ourselves and make choices that will benefit our bodies. I remember looking in the mirror this past April wondering how I was supposed to love this person I saw looking back at me when there were so many things I didn’t like. How could I turn the hate I felt into love? The person I was back then was not a true representation of who I really am. I was so incredibly insecure, had zero self-confidence and was not happy and it affected every aspect of my life. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, didn’t like how I felt and in general didn’t like who I had become. I felt stuck and had no idea how to turn it around. I honestly didn’t think it was possible; for so long I had a million excuses as to why I should just stay where I was. I tried to convince myself that I couldn’t change. It was too much wasn’t really worth it, was it? But then I turned my thoughts into positive ones. I started believing in myself and knew that if I put my mind to it, I could lose the pounds. I could be fit. And now here I am 8 months later and I have not looked back since that day!

I have made some pretty big changes, and the results speak for themselves!
Now, this is not some quick fix for me and no, I did not just put some magic powder in my tea. This is the result of me taking care of myself by eating properly, practicing self-control and discipline - working out. Obviously it didn’t happen over night and yes, it was a struggle, at times it still is. It wasn’t a cake walk but what it resulted in is an incredible journey, one I’ve decided to share with you in the hopes that it will inspire others to make positive changes! I don’t regret my decision for one second; in fact I thank myself every day for it! Health is so incredibly important; taking care of ourselves means we will have more to give to others. Ultimately what we feed our body is what we get out of it. So, if we’re inputting crap, guess what we’re going to get out of it? But if we are fueling it with the proper nutrients, then we’re going to be able to use our body for what it’s meant for! Exercise used to be something that I dreaded, something I did because I felt I had to. But now it’s become a habit for me, one that I actually look forward to because it makes me FEEL great!
I made this choice to change for me; it wasn’t because someone told me I was overweight. It was something I did because I was unhappy and I decided to do something about it and now for the first time in a long time I am comfortable in my own skin! I am by no means the strongest or fittest girl out there, and that’s not my goal. I just want to be the best version of me.

I have become so self-disciplined, I now have the ability to say no to things whereas before there was no self-control. As my weight dropped, I started craving nutritious and healthy foods instead of junk. I saw potential in myself, pushed myself harder. I signed up for a challenge group and that is what really has done amazing things for me! It’s changed my mindset. I’m only going to get to live once and I intend to be the best version of me. It’s not entirely about looking good. It’s a great bonus, but the feeling of confidence and strength that comes with being fit is indescribable. If you’re someone who looks in the mirror and hates the beautiful person God made, if you feel you are being held back from giving your ALL, then maybe it’s time to think about a change! Change is scary, yes. But it is SO incredibly beautiful to see the strength that lies within you develop, strength that you didn’t even know existed! Every day I am getting closer and closer to my goals; goals that for the longest time were just distant dreams because I never thought I'd ever actually be able to do it! It starts with you, having faith in yourself!